Monday, June 23, 2014


Napping with a new baby. This is one of those things I kept being told to do from delivery on, but for weeks I didn't nap. I would hold him and watch a show, make phone calls, or try to lay him down and cook/clean/etc. I got frustrated with my husband and broke down resentfully telling him "I just can't get any of the things done I need to". Well two wonderful things happened, first he told me the ONLY thing I needed to do was care for our son. If the house needed cleaning or we needed meals I needed to let him do it and focus my attention on Jaxon.  I learned to listen to my body and nap when I was tired. Then a friend gave me a Moby wrap and my son embraced it; now at 5.5 months I've been using it for our travel from FL to S. Korea and I'm getting 3-4 hr naps out of this kid on the airplane and layovers still. Starting at about 4-6 weeks when paternity leave ended, family & friends visits slowed down, and life as a family of three with me as the primary care taker got into a rhythm. With Jaxon wrapped to me I was able to cook (nice meals), clean (majorly), and even do crafts and DIY projects. I started going out to play dates and bible study and the prospect of toting an infant around wasn't so scary because he would sleep wrapped to me for 3hrs at a time.  I even learned how to nurse him in a carrier so I dint really need a cover unless I wanted more privacy.  Update: Jaxon turned four two weeks ago and he still naps 3 hours a few times a week. He only falls asleep in the car, but I'm almost always able to transfer him into bed. I don't usually nap during this time, but I watch a show or surf the internet and take some me time. I don't clean or cook, because I need time to refresh to be my best for when he wakes up full of energy.

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