Monday, June 23, 2014

Disposable Diapers & Potty Training

Coupons r a must!!!!
NB pampers-worked great up to 10lbs, especially for chicken legs. (The hospital gave them to us because we brought size 1)
Huggies sz 1 little snugglers-fit his frame (very skinny) after he reached 10lbs and got snug at 14lbs so we switched to cloth (see cloth diapers).
Luvs sz 2 & 3 work just as well as the more expensive brands and are a good deal cheaper.
*Huggies snug and dry smell gross when they get wet, and gave jaxon bumps from the chemicals.

I tried to potty train Jaxon at 18months. I thought he was ready because he pooped on the potty for about a week. He was still peeing his pants, but it was short lived and premature.

I tried again when he was two years old, maybe a little past, and he just refused to go on the potty.  Again I was trying to make him do it when I was ready, but he was not.

Finally we stopped using diapers when Jaxon turned three-years-old. I wanted to enroll him in preschool and they required that he be potty trained. So I did lots of research and asked other moms including my own. I decided on the three-day potty training method. I let him run around naked for three days; we didn't leave the house. I put a jar of peanut M&Ms in the bathroom and for a kid who didn't get hardly any refined processed sugars this was a huge motivator in getting him to go in the potty. When he would eliminate I would do a potty dance and give praise.  When he didn't I would just clean it up and not punish or chastise him.

I took the recommendations of my mom and chose to get up at night to put him on the potty instead of letting him sleep in diapers. I thought it would be confusing to use let him go in diapers sometimes and not all the time. So at first I set an alarm for 2x a night and got him up and on the potty, then 1x per night for a whole year now.  I don't use an alarm anymore, and he doesn't always get put on the potty. In fact for a month now I don't put him on the potty unless I know he drank a lot of fluids close to bedtime. One year and one month after potty training him he wets the bed maybe 2/7 days a week and doesn't get put on the potty during the night anymore.

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