Monday, June 23, 2014

Co sleeping vs bassinet

Real life sinks in about 3-5 dys after your baby is home. In the hospital your NB might sleep blissfully in the bassinet, your arms, or the arms of loved ones.  Eventually the loved ones leave and through the night if your breastfeeding there isn't really anything that can help you if you have a baby that won't sleep in the bassinet or crib and are intent you won't co-sleep because of the warnings about SIDS.

If your baby sleeps in a bassinet right away, or you crib train early good for you. I would put the baby in that thing everyday for the first week home and he would wakeup 15mins later no matter how tired we both were. I beat myself up every time I fell asleep nursing next to him until one day I threw my hands up and let him sleep next to me.  He started sleeping for  3-4 hrs at a time, and it just got better fro there. By the time he was two months old he slept though the night next to me.

When he was six months old we began the process of sleep training him in his crib.  It was hard to let him cry, and at first he cried for a long time.  Day-by-day he cried less and less until eventually he'd fall asleep peacefully in his crib after 5 mins or less of protest.

Jaxons 4 years old now and we've gone back and forth over the years co-sleeping on vacations, or nights that he's sick. For the longest time we've let him fall asleep in bed with us and moved him to his own bed, because he kicks and elbows in his sleep, but were trying to read to him in his own bed so he just stays put and we can turn in.

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